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bend oregon remodel

Straight Lines with a Circular Hand Saw for Beginners

When working on a project, problems can slow the process. Every job comes with unexpected issues. However, you can prevent some headaches with good planning. Crooked cuts can waste materials and time. Learn how you can make straight cuts with your circular saw consistently. Use a...

Bend Oregon Solar Project

Are Residential Solar Panels Worth the Cost?

Solar panels have long been touted as the solution to expensive electric bills. It sounds simple enough—solar panels installed outside one’s home converts sunlight into electricity, lifting the weight of electric usage off homeowners’ shoulders. Self-sustained energy allows residents to live on their terms without...

Acoustic Paneling

What Do You Need to Know About Acoustic Paneling?

Acoustic paneling provides the best sound absorption for dampening and deadening sound in offices, restaurants, and other spaces. You will come across different sound insulating panel styles to choose from. There are standard ones wrapped in fabric, some that have perforated wood, and acoustic panels...

Bend Oregon Vinyl Siding

Vertical vs. Horizontal Vinyl Siding

Vinyl has become more popular than any other residential siding product, according to the National Association of Home Builders. If this material appeals to you, you'll need to select a grade, color, and texture. You also need to decide if you want vertical or horizontal...

Bathroom Remodel

8 Essential Upgrades to Create Your Dream Bathroom

Your bathroom is the space where you get ready for your day, relax in the tub or shower, and have some of your most personal moments. A room this important should reflect your unique personality and lift your spirits. Complete these eight listed bathroom upgrades,...