Keeping you informed about what we're working on.

Flooring Over Radiant Floor Heating Systems

Best Types of Flooring for Radiant Floor Heating Oregon homeowners are rapidly moving to radiant floor heating as an addition to traditional HVAC heating for their homes. As more homeowners seek to improve their property value, the energy-efficiency of their home, and the overall appeal for...

Luxury Vinyl Tile vs. Hardwood Flooring

Choosing between hardwood floors and Luxury Vinyl Tile (LVT) is tough. Both can look timeless, luxurious, and stylish. Both have benefits and downsides. If you are debating what flooring to use in your next remodel, carefully consider the following pros and cons: The look One of hardwood's...

Should You Install Double Sinks?

Whether you need to renovate your bathroom or are building a new one from scratch, you now wonder which setup offers the most advantages: a single sink or two? At first glance, two sinks may appear to offer the most benefits. It is a good...

Bend Oregon Kitchen Remodel

Deciding Where to Put Windows in Kitchen Walls

If you're building a new kitchen or adding more glass, you'll need to decide where to put the windows. Their placement can affect safety, comfort, and various expenses. Be sure to keep all of these considerations in mind: Ventilation Try to install a window in a portion...

Bend Residential Roofing

Top 6 Materials Used for Residential Roofing

Most homeowners do not pay much attention to their home's roof until it needs replacing. Suddenly, there are leaks or missing tiles, forcing homeowners to assess the entire roof's structure instead of its exterior. A roof can say a lot about a house regarding its...